L A U R A   S .


I'm Laura, a multimedia and documentary journalist. So far, my career has taken me from New York to Australia, Hawaii and now California. I’ve worked in the news and media industry since 2016 — almost 10 years soon — in administrative, managerial, editorial and reporting roles.

Soy Laura, una periodista en formatos multimedia y documental. Hasta ahora, mi carrera me ha llevado de Nueva York a Australia, Hawaii y California. He trabajado en el mundo de las noticias y medios desde el 2016 — casi 10 años pronto — en funciones administrativas, gerenciales, editoriales y de reportaje.

2021 CnPA 
public service 
journalism award
first place recipient

Daily observations and curiosity spark my reporting ideas.

When I moved to California at the start of 2021, before COVID-19 vaccines were available to the general public, I noticed little to no material was available in Spanish for the significant Hispanic population or agricultural workers who are exclusively Spanish-speaking. The reporting series I wrote for The Stockton Record — about physical and cultural access to vaccines and health resources — was awarded first place in public service journalism for daily newspapers 15,000 and under circulation category by the California News Publishers Awards.

Observaciones diarias y curiosidad inspiran mis reportajes.

Cuando me mudé a California al principio del 2021, antes de queue las vacunas del COVID-19 estuvieran disponibles para el público en general, noté queue había poquito a nada de material disponible en español para la gran población hispana o trabajadores agrícolas queue exclusivamente hablan español. La serie de artículos que redacté para el Stockton Record — sobre el acceso físico y cultural a vacunas y recursos de salubridad — fue premiada con el primer lugar en periodismo de servicio público en la categoría de periódicos de 15,000 y menor circulación por los California News Publishers Awards.

This story is the epitome of public service: highlighting the difficulty in getting undocumented workers vaccinated--whether it's because the state is not stepping up or because of other reasons--and then your published story leads to 500 folks getting vaccinated. Bravo.

— Judge comment